Parapolitics w/ Recluse... back on The Farm


 My friend and ally in all things fortean, the enigmatic Recluse, was kind enough to invite me back to his podcast: The Farm. This episode is a project that we had in the works for some time. It deals with, not only the parapolitical and the upcoming elections (or not), but also Recluse’s upcoming book: “A Special Relationship: Trump, Epstein, and the Secret History of the Anglo-American Establishment.”

We had a good time with this interview, and I must say that Recluse is in top form... at his entertaining best... for this one. As you may well expect, some of the topics discussed include…

Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislanie Maxwell and her father Robert Maxwell… the occultic connection between the Maxwells and Jack Parsons… the Babalon Working, and other high strangeness from the American Southwest. We also touched upon the Alt-Right side of the power pyramid, Cambridge Analytica, SCL Group, meme wars, psychological warfare and the ongoing PSY-OPS that is American politics.

Of course we critiqued the Biden-Trump spectacle presidential debate, elections 2020, voter fraud, elections suspended, and Trump catching COVID. While we were at it, we tackled Antifa and Q-Anon… We even got into the 23 enigma, and the recently filed USPS blockchain patent and the future of voting/politics!

All in all, it was a very satisfying and entertaining hour… check it out!

You can find our first interview here.


Garmr said…
Hmm, the motto of Facebook. Eat fast food and break wind. Very American.

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