Tek-Gnostics Media Titles

Tek-Gnostics "Heresies" Series...
Welcome, intrepid psychonaut... to the Tek-Gnostics Trilogy, a book series conceived, compiled and created by Jack Heart. In its conception, this trilogy… this curious trifecta of High Strangeness… has sought that which cannot be named... the very essence of Universal manifestation. It has done so by pursuing tall tales, true lies, and ancient technologies...   

Book One: Tek-Gnostics Heresies

Book Two: Applied Tek-Gnostics

Book Three: Tek-Gnostics Codex

Tek-Gnostics Monograph Series...
Investigations into the High Strangeness of Alien Intrusion and the Indigenous Mind & A Field Guide for Effective Communication with Off-World Visitors...



Note: You can purchase the above titles directly from the publisher on our main Website's on-line catalog...

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