Politico Thought Experiment
The election season is finally coming to its culmination. Since 2012, we have seen the para-political scene intensify to the point where it has driven traditional politics. As we have seen, the political realm has become so polarized, as to instill violent extremism. In the good ole’ U S of A, the 2020 presidential campaign has demonstrated a particularly glaring example of this.
One thing that both the sitting president and the main contender agree on, is that the outcome of this election will drastically impact the fate of our nation. So in these final hours, the motto for those who participate in democratic elections is : All Hands On Deck.
Within the syncro-mystic circle, I, for one, feel a slight intimidation from my more savvy and (perhaps) cynical counterparts. I wonder what they know that I don’t know when they tell me they are not going to vote in the upcoming presidential election. Typically, this is explained to me as: Politics is a fool’s errand. It is, and always has been… rigged. There is no point is supporting this corrupt and fraudulent freak-show, because your vote doesn’t count.
Typically, my response is: Fool’s errand or not, participating in, and energetically targeting a peaceful, democratic process, adds to the planetary pool of good vibrations, with the intent of a more equitable future for all. As I have said many times before: Dare to be Naïve!
Besides… if our votes don’t count, why all the voter suppression and systematic disenfranchisement of whole sectors of our citizenry? Many people might believe that our votes don’t count… but there are many people… people in high places… that certainly do believe that our votes count. Gerrymandering has been the go-to political tool for decades. Our great Trickster/Robber King has relied on voter intimidation and claims of fraudulent outcomes… as his primary campaign strategy.
All of this points to the power of the vote. I suspect that the true power of the vote rests more in the energetic intention of the voter.
Thought Experiment
So, with the all hands on deck principle in play, let me suggest the following thought experiment…
For the next 24 hours, find the time and place to meditate on the upcoming result of the 2020 presidential election. For this hypothetical example, let us imagine we desire an outcome where the presidential challenger will prevail.
Start by communing with your ancestors. Whether you have an altar, or just have a picture of your great-grandparents hanging on the wall… commune with your ancestors, and ask for their help in achieving your desired outcome in defeating the Trickster/Robber King. Ask for your ancestors assistance in helping the presidential challenger’s hobbled-together coalition of Dems, Independents and those from the GOP, to prevail.
Take this thought experiment a step further.
Imagine all the fallen soldiers from WWII, and subsequent wars. Ask them to rise in assisting the defeat of a sitting president who openly scorns their ultimate sacrifice to the principles of democracy and rule of law. Ask them for their help in assisting the rag-tag alliance of the disenfranchised, disorganized and decentralized resistance to the Trickster/Robber King. With your intension so resolved, join with your ancestors and the fallen heroes, to achieve victory for the contender.
This hypothetical thought experiment is an example of how the act of voting does indeed impact outcomes. The true power of a critical mass of shared intentions, intent on overcoming tyranny... harnesses a deep, often dormant energy. It is this impact that scares the hell out those in power… especially those who have abused this power.
So there you have it. A simple little thought experiment… just for the fun of it! In so doing, remember the three rules of such thought experiments…
1) Have faith that the experiment will work.
2) Set a clear, focused intention.
3) Don’t forget to thank Mother Earth for the borrowed use of such energies!
That is all there is to it. Carry on and remember… regardless of the outcome of this Tuesday, the long arch of history tends toward liberty and freedom.