Culture of the High and the Strange, Pt 3 - Agency

The naming of a thing is itself a powerful act. How we think about a thing is influenced by what we call it. As we have come to understand, language is magick and eloquence is enchantment. So in labeling the 21st century trend in culture: “Conspiracy Culture Internationale” we must be mindful of the connotations. Everyone is entitled to their own connotations, thank you very much… so here is our foundational thinking in the title...

The etymology of the word “conspire” traces back to circa 1325 CE, from Middle English (Anglo-French): conspirer, from Latin: conspirare “to agree, unite or act in harmony… literally: to breathe together” (con + spīrāre: to breathe). It was also originally harmonically associated with: “to blow together” ie: musical instruments… to “sound in unison.” 

The understanding of the origin of the word “conspire” implies a much less sinister interpretation. Per the original usage, conspiracy denotes breathing together. In this day and age, we all need to not only take a breath, but we need to breath together. After all, at the end of the day… we are all in this together. 

Additionally, the root of the word conspire, shares the same origin as the word “spirit.” This brings us to the spiritual component, mentioned at the end of part 2. In coming to terms with CCI, we must put aside the fear & loathing being generated by short-sighted political intrigues. We recognize this fear and mistrust as a tactic of the dominator predator culture, the American Archons… meant to divide and conquer. Should we all literally breath together, in the meditative sense, we will recognize that we, as a planet, are truly “all in this together.” We can and will harness the power of the new, Noösphere… for the betterment of all.

The rise of CCI, despite its unsavory elements, holds great potential for creative, cooperative, expansive evolution… moving into our Brave Noö Future. Despite Nationalist rhetoric, humanity’s strength resides within its diversity of populations. Far from the American Archon’s “new world order,” CCI’s vision of globalization is inspired by the “Blue Marble” image of the Earth… spaceship Gaia, taken by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft on December 7th, 1972. Once again, we’re all in this together.

With that said, in reading the synchromystic signs and portents, an oracular cautionary concern presents itself. Conspiracy Culture Internationale must not be a knee-jerk fearful reaction to the recent rise in immigration. The ramification of refugees fleeing Middle-Eastern war-zones and impacting more stable regions, such as Europe, will pale in comparison to the impending continental exodus of climate refugees, fleeing increasing drought conditions. It would only take a few consecutive years of drought in Africa, for instance, to massively impact more northern, European regions. 

In the years ahead, we will all need to understand the root causes of such movement of the people… and seek conducive, compassionate responses and solutions.

How this all plays out is still unclear, as the game is still in process. Not all the proverbial cards have been played. Make no mistake… there is a critical environmental element that we must not overlook. Our survival as a species depends upon it. The years ahead will be exceedingly interesting, to say the least. The emergence of CCI may play out in different ways. The nature of how it plays out… is up to us. Hope springs eternal, here aboard spaceship Gaia. 

Individual Agency

To extend the cosmic card game analogy… humanity’s “ace in the hole” resides within the autonomy of each sentient, individual intelligence agent. In contemporary social science, the term “agency” refers to the capacity of an individual to act independently and to make their own, unimpeded choices. An individual’s agency is their independent capability or capacity to act upon their free will. Within a well functioning intelligence agent, these actions align with self-interest, in accord with the interests of the collective.

By contrast, “structure” is a term used by social scientists that refers to the sum of those outside cultural factors of influence, or societal pressures that are instrumental in determining or limiting the individual’s agency. Structure is the collective circumstances (and bias) imposed upon the individual by society, such as gender, ethnicity, social class, religion, folkways & customs, etc., that the individual is born into. Thus, individual ability is affected by the cognitive belief structure, or to use Robert Anton Wilson’s descriptor, the consensual or shared “reality tunnel” which has formed through the individual’s experiences of society at large.

These societal pressures impact the individual intelligence agent, residing within any given cultural environment. They help inform or shape the current situation… the current conditions on the ground, if you will. However, the relative influence between structure and agency is debatable. It is ambiguous as to what extent a person’s actions are constrained by social systems. Additionally, disagreement on the extent of one’s agency often causes conflict between parties, ie: between parents and children or citizens and governmental entities.

In this day and age, systems of structure are on the rise. In addition to time-honored structural influences, such as familial, tribal and cultural norms (collective representations of acceptable group conduct) new layers of structure are rapidly forming around access to technology… ie: mobile communication, personal data collection and the use of social media platforms. Strange-yet-fittingly, given the times… these new technologies are both liberating and isolating. 

Complicating matters… these new technologies give rise to new governmental structures of control, driven by the alleged need for “homeland security.” In a globally networked environment, governmental control infringes upon traditional individual freedoms, identified by the American founding fathers as: Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. In turn, government’s justification and technical ability are facilitated by new telecommunication capabilities. This is the conundrum each of us must face, in our Brave Noö World. Consequently, we can foresee intrusions into personal freedoms continuing into the foreseeable future.

 The deepening lattices of structure are indeed challenging to any intelligence agent, but they need not dictate our worldly affairs, let alone our interaction with Universe. Each of us, possess the authority to “play the cosmic card game” as we see fit, by virtue of the divine spark of autonomy, inherent in the human soul. We exercise this autonomy by virtue of our free will. We, in our discernment… in our capacity as an individual intelligence agent… are well served in playing the “free will” card.

This is not only our inalienable right… it is fast becoming an increasing necessity. In doing so, we accept personal responsibility for our actions. Remember, the word “responsibility” denotes our ability to respond. The ability to respond denotes autonomy. We need not passively accept the fortunes of fate, but rather actively pursue our own best interests. Additionally, in exercising our agency, we do not merely respond… we strategically respond. We develop tactics to improve and expand our agency.

This is the prime directive of Applied Tek-Gnostics… to provide systems that enhance individual agency... to empower, through the use of strategic tools of intelligence, each individual intelligence agent’s mental, social and spiritual capacity. This is also the inflection point where the societal implications of individual agency intersect the spiritual implications of free will. This is where knowledge becomes Gnosis. For purposes of our narrative, here is a quick historical review for our interpretation of Gnosis and our use of our foundational term: Gnosticism.

Deep within the cavernous labyrinth of human antiquity, there were anciently occurring schools of thought that insightfully addressed the perplexing nature of worldly existence. Those arcane thinkers, collectively known by modernity as “Gnostics,” thought deeply on such matters as: human spirituality, metempsychosis or the transmigration of souls, and the ultimate spiritual hierarchy of Universe. Although there are variations within different sects, the Gnostics held a philosophically unique perspective on humanity’s role in the material world.

The Gnostic mythology maintained that the reason the world in which we live is such a horrifically uncaring, seemingly insane place, is because the world was created by a horrifically uncaring, insane God. This angry, jealous, insane God, known to them as Demiurge (known at Tek-Gnostics as: Central Scrutinizer - thank you F Zappa), created the material world out of vanity and ignorance of the true “God above gods.” Thus, the Demiurge became the creator of a flawed material and psychic cosmos… all of which he created in the image of his own flaw. This creator deity, unaware of his true origins, imagined himself to be the ultimate and absolute God. In short: the creator deity known as Demiurge… was delusional.

If we are to indulge the Gnostic mythic assertion that the creator deity was indeed deluded and/or insane, certain fundamental questions such as: “why is there so much pain and suffering in this world?” can be looked upon in a new light. The Gnostic interpretation of a creator deity that was completely deranged… would answer many philosophical quandaries pertaining to the horrific nature of worldly existence. If the very creator of this world is crazy, little wonder that earthly events appear to be crazy. An unhinged creator god begets an unhinged world.

More importantly, the Gnostic doctrines rejected original sin. They maintained that a spark of divinity rests deep within each human… a divine spark that provides a direct link to the great, unknowable God above gods. This divine link bypasses Demiurge, who in his insanity, jealously rages in retribution at “the impudence of the puny humans!” Therefore, the sins of the material world were not driven by humans, but by a deranged creator god. It was this very heresy, this very impudence of the archaic Gnostics that so enraged the early Church that they were expelled as heretics.

Like the ancient Gnostics, the Tek-Gnostics system expresses itself through the medium of myth… 

“The truths embodied in these myths are of a more personal nature than the dogmas of theology or the statements of philosophy. In this way, the myth acts as a parable or metaphor, illustrating through the actions of the myth, complex insights”

 -S A Hoeller

Although the mythology of an anthropomorphic, deranged God may not resonate for some, the rejection of original sin is an essential component within Applied Tek-Gnostics. 

The development of individual agency within each of us, directly and proportionately corresponds to our free will. It is, in part, our free will that the ancient Gnostics poetically referred to as the spark of divinity that rests deep within each human soul. Freedom from the metaphor of original sin liberates each of us from the bondage of such sin. Unburdened from the chains of guilt, we are free to pursue and enhance our individual agency. And that is what the Tek-Gnostics user’s manual is all about.

Perhaps it is not a coincidence that we are currently experiencing a renaissance in Gnosticism and Gnostic thought. Perhaps Gnosticism is the most applicable spiritual response to the times we are living in. The Gnostic position of “trust no one, not even your own gods” instills a sense of self-reliance, skepticism, and verification. Perhaps a Gnostic sensibility enforces the very real need for “individual agency” as a mechanism of survival in a world gone crazy.

Moving forward, each one of us must nurture a personal mythology of integrity… a mythology of personal power, free from sin and guilt. We need to nourish a personal autonomy, free of the fear & loathing imposed upon us by organized religion. The Gnostic perspective affords each of us a personal authority wherein we are not at the mercy of a merciless God …an authority where we share the spark of divinity with that which remains nameless. 

Perhaps this is the most profound Gnostic realization, the secret of secrets. The spark of autonomy within each of us is in fact, an indestructible, inextinguishable ember of divinity… a smoldering speck, shared with the God above gods. The sacred spark that dwells deep within… manifests without as: free will. This is the divine authority from whence each of us issue. We each possess, deep within us, a shimmering glint of that which remains nameless.

At the end of the day, it is advantageous for each of us to take up the Gnostic mantle, to modernize and personalize the mythology. We clothe our emerging personal mythology in a contemporized mythic garment of the ancient Gnostics, for… in answer to the inevitable question being raised by each of you, dear readers… yes… we are living in Gnostic times.



Dennis/87 said…
Intelligence agent indeed. Good vibes Mr. Heart.

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