SubStack Outpost

The Tek-Gnostics Network has expanded... adding a new satellite mind station, out on the perimeter of the substack universe. Over the last few weeks, your intrepid weblogger has been exploring the San Francisco based publishing platform. The platform was founded in the bay area in 2017... and quickly became the darling of the world wide web. Recent controversy aside, your faithful weblogger was impressed enough with the bells and whistles, to open an account and begin to set up shop.

So... with the inaugural post published... I would like to invite you all over to the new diggs. You can come visit at the following web address...

I am still in exploration mode, so I am not sure just exactly how the new satellite will function. As substack is reputed to be a writer's platform, it is likely that I will post extended articles there. Not to worry, I have no plans of abandoning this site. Rest assured, you can't get rid of me that easily...

But please do drop by the new diggs... and while you are there, subscibe to my Stack. There will no doubt be some cross-posting... but there will be plenty of unique content on each site. Thanks... and drop by...




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