Culture of the High and the Strange redux



Find below an excerpt from part three of my Culture of the High and the Strange series, from SubStack. Check out my new Stack for the rest of the series…

Jack’s Stack 

The naming of a thing is itself a powerful act. How we think about a thing is influenced by what we call it. As we have come to understand, language is magick and eloquence is enchantment. So in labeling the 21st century trend in culture: “Conspiracy Culture Internationale” we must be mindful of the connotations. Everyone is entitled to their own connotations, thank you very much… so here is our foundational thinking in the title...

The etymology of the word “conspire” traces back to circa 1325 CE, from Middle English (Anglo-French): conspirer, from Latin: conspirare “to agree, unite or act in harmony… literally: to breathe together” (con + spīrāre: to breathe). It was also originally harmonically associated with: “to blow together” ie: musical instruments… to “sound in unison.” 

The understanding of the origin of the word “conspire” implies a much less sinister interpretation. Per the original usage, conspiracy denotes breathing together. In this day and age, we all need to not only take a breath, but we need to breath together. After all, at the end of the day… we are all in this together. 

Additionally, the root of the word conspire, shares the same origin as the word “spirit.” This brings us to the spiritual component, mentioned at the end of part 2. In coming to terms with CCI, we must put aside the fear & loathing being generated by short-sighted political intrigues. We recognize this fear and mistrust as a tactic of the dominator predator culture, the American Archons… meant to divide and conquer. Should we all literally breathe together, in the meditative sense, we will recognize that we, as a planet, are truly “all in this together.” We can and will harness the power of the new, Noösphere… for the betterment of all…


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