Rise of the Matriarchy - Brave Noö Hope

The 2024 Democratic Convention is in the books and yes, the rise of the matriarchy  was deeply evidenced and on full display. In the first segment of this post/thread... I suggested that the abdication of President Joe Biden, and his anointing of Vice President Kamala Harris... sparked and rekindled a renewed sense of hope and inspiration within the "big tent" that is the Democratic Party. I suggested that it went deeper than the political. Here is a snippet from part one...  

These political musings... as entertaining as they are... only point to what will prove to be the significant paradigm shift, triggered by Kamala's ascent to the Democratic nominee. It is clear that Kamala rekindled a fire in the Democratic Party... but more importantly, it sparked enthusiasm in women... across all ethnicities and societal strata. Here in the US and abroad. Driven in part by the demise of Roe v Wade, to be sure. But the essential shift in consciousness we are witnessing, quite possibly could be the pivot to the Partnership Paradigm, espoused by the great Riane Tennenhaus Eisler.

 In American politics, the rise of powerful, intelligent, compassionate leadership increasingly has been the purview of women.

Kamala's candidacy seems to have sparked more than political action. She appears to be the face of societal change. She has tapped into a deep reservoir of feminine power, whose time has come. Beyond women's rights, beyond reproductive justice,  beyond the political, beyond the societal, Kamala has become emblematic of the rise of the matriarchy.

It was a deep sync for your author to see all the women clad in Suffragette White on the final night of the convention. Beyond being a nod to the Women's Suffrage movement... beyond being a nod to the shattering of the final glass ceiling in American politics... for me, it synced with the photo I had used in part one of this series, of the congresswomen in white... during 45's State of the Union speech. For me... this was a nod (and a wink) from universe.

The sync triggered a sense that there is indeed a flow... a current of energies that feels like a resurgence of something very ancient. What fueled the Democratic Convention was a re-emergence of something very old and very powerful... a re-assertion of the great feminine Yin principle. The great matriarch, Michelle Obama said as much in her powerful speech on night two of the convention...

"Something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn’t it? A familiar feeling that’s been buried too deep for too long... You know what I’m talking about?"

She went on to talk about hope... but I was picking up on a deeper transmission.

Throughout the course of the convention... throughout the current and flow... there bubbled up from deep waters, a message of reverence and homage to the great mother. Michelle referenced not only her mother's recent passing... but the profound influence her mother had on her life. So too did Kamala Harris pay homage to her mother... Shyamala Gopalan... an immigrant from India...

"My mother was a brilliant 5-foot-tall brown woman with an accent. As the eldest child, I saw how the world would sometimes treat her. But my mother never lost her cool." ... "My mother had another lesson she used to teach: Never let anyone tell you who you are. You show them who you are." ... "She Also taught us... never do anything half-assed. That's a direct quote!"


In many ways, the through-line of the Democratic Convention was less about politics and more about the power of the feminine. Of course there was an abundance of political rhetoric and posturing. There was plenty of Trump-bashing. There were all the campaign slogans and masculine beating of the chest. But the essence of the convention was one of rebirth, inclusiveness, and hope. 

The balance of the traditional masculine politicking, with the feminine perseverance, pointed America toward the Partnership Paradigm outlined in part one of this post/thread. The men... such as D. L. Hughley, Hakeem Jeffries, Barak Obama, Vice Presidential pick Tim Walz... all held their own... but in a manner that spoke of inclusiveness and partnering. The Dems sought to present a more thoughtful masculine side... strong in their recognition of women as equals.

There were also glimpses of the powerful up-and comers of the Democratic Party...

But for your humble weblogger... the high water mark was the brilliant Amanda Gorman, the first U.S. national youth poet laureate, reciting a new poem at the Democratic National Convention. Her words were dense, sparkling with youthful, hip-hopish enthusiasm, and deep thought-provoking prose. In her words, the audience was challenged to stop... listen... and think. This wasn't easy for some... having been dulled by recent years of sophomoric, political jargon.  

All in all... the Dems sought to present a Democratic party capable of welcoming all who seek refuge from the political malaise of the last couple of election cycles. They presented a vision of new hope... a vision... For the People, For our Future. Did they succeed? Time will tell.

This is not to give the Democratic Party a free pass. There is plenty of weirdness on the Dem side as well. Chief among Kamala's current administration's transgressions being the conciliation and contribution to the continued horrific onslaught of the Palestinian People... perpetrated by the fascist Netanyahu regime. Continued support of this madness is inexplicable.   

But buried deep in the political rhetoric... your faithful weblogger detected another transmission... one of ancient origin... A Brave Noö Hope for a peaceful transition to our noö paradigm. In 2020... Biden spoke of being a bridge to a new generation. What is needed is a bridge to a noö politics... one of inclusiveness and creativity. One where all of us... the artists and the poets… the clowns, jesters and tricksters... the madmen and madwomen, the subversives.... the great, creative alliance of our LGBTQ community... all have a seat at the proverbial table.

The rise of feminine energies represents our best shot at finding a path to a peaceful transition away from bigotry and misogyny. A path away from fascist ideology. We've seen that movie... and don't need to sit through any sequel. Been there... done that... and we are not going back. Let's find that bridge... set a course to a better way... a more sustaining and conducive way of governing... of interacting with each other. After all... our children... our grandchildren... our nieces and nephews... are watching...   


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