High Strangeness Update
Some doors... once opened... cannot be closed.
Recently we posted that in recognition of the disconcerting times we find ourselves living in… in the realization that these strange days have never been stranger… the editorial staff at Tek-Gnostics would implement a significant network re-boot. To that end, we began this arduous process by first reviewing our existing web presence and making subtle changes in formatting and content. This has taken the form of updating links and layout of specific key pages, as well as rewriting content to better reflect current cultural strangeness.
As such, find herein an update to our High Strangeness. Here are a few links to new and recently updated content at the Tek-Gnostics Network that more accurately reflect our course correction...
Additionally, the following pages at tekgnostics.com have been slightly tweaked to lay the groundwork for more profound changes to come…
On first glance, these pages appear much as they recently have... again, the changes have been subtle. The flow of information has been augmented for better access of concept. To quote a passage from our Law of Eights page... We live in a strange world... getting stranger by the nanosecond. The updates underway, once completed, will more accurately mirror the strange, synchronous world in which we live. This is a work in progress, so check back often and... Stay tuned intrepid psychonauts... stay tuned!