Simple Twist of Synchronicity – Hobby Lobby caught with illicit antiquities

In the Tek-Gnostics Network's last post, entitled: Allegiance, I had briefly touched upon the expansion of American Archon Empire in the Middle East and the looting of antiquities in Bagdad…

 “The sacking of Iraq’s museums and National Library, with the destruction of much of Iraq’s cultural heritage, is a crime against all of humanity. It is nothing less than the theft of our shaded ancient human history.”

As synchronicity would have it, the world's press lit up a few days later, with a story about the owners of Hobby Lobby, Inc… the Green family, and their illicit acquisition of priceless artifacts, smuggled out of Iraq. An article, published on July 6th, by the New York Times had this to say on this curious development…

“The Justice Department announced on Wednesday that the crafting giant Hobby Lobby, Inc. has agreed to forfeit thousands of ancient Mesopotamian artifacts that it had illegally imported from Iraq. Along with a hefty $3 million payment, this concludes a federal investigation that has been going on since 2011, when United States customs agents seized an incoming shipment of cuneiform tablets, labeled “hand-made clay tiles” and headed for the Hobby Lobby headquarters in Oklahoma City.”

It turns out that the Green Family, the same family that successfully argued before the Supreme Court in 2014, over the right to not provide contraceptive coverage for their employees based on religious belief, purchased these illegal treasures for their newest pet project:  the Museum of the Bible, opening soon in Washington DC, near the National Mall. The illegal purchase and import of these ancient artifacts, only feeds a Black Market of unscrupulous dealers of antiquities and tomb raiders. 

The NYT article went on to say…

“The particular legal issue of falsified import papers is merely the tip of a much larger ethical iceberg. The real issue here is the black market in looted antiquities, a market that has loomed beneath the surface of storied museum collections and private holdings for many years, but that became especially visible during the first Iraq War and the period of regional destabilization that followed.”

Oddly enough… the fact that the Green family, knowingly purchased these treasures to display in a Museum of the Bible, kind of takes on a sinister undertone. Not only does it not seem like the “Christian thing to do,” the very idea of smuggling artifacts has a “Western Crusader” quality to it.

Given the synchronistic nature of this story… coming to light when it did… indicates to me that we need to keep our synchro-mystic eye on these stories… not only the antiquities black market… but the whole Hobby Lobby Museum of the Bible story. There are strange things afoot at the Circle K National Mall!

Constant Vigilance!    - J ♥


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