Half of all Americans Believe in Conspiracy Theories...
National Public Radio’s host David Green interviewed NPR's
social science correspondent, Shankar Vedantam on the subject of conspiracy theory. What follows is the complete
GREENE: Shankar, what's on your mind?
SHANKAR VEDANTAM, BYLINE: I want to talk about conspiracy
theories today, David. And this is everything from whether the U.S. government
was secretly behind the 9/11 attacks to whether President Obama was actually
born in the United States. What proportion of the U.S population would you say
subscribes to one of these theories?
GREENE: Ten, 15 percent, maybe? I don't know.
VEDANTAM: Yeah, I would've guessed at most 20 percent. And
that's why this new research by Eric Oliver and Thomas Wood at the University
of Chicago took me aback. They find that 50 percent of the country subscribes
to at least one of these conspiracy theories. So 19 percent of Americans
believe the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks. 25 percent believe the
recent financial crisis was caused by the small cabal of Wall Street bankers.
11 percent of people believe the government is mandating a switch to compact
florescent light bulbs because the light bulbs make people obedient and easy to
GREENE: Oh, wow. Shankar, I wonder if it's worth reminding
people exactly what a conspiracy theory is.
VEDANTAM: Here's how I think about it. A conspiracy theory
is where you believe in a theory where no matter how much disconfirming
evidence comes in, you somehow convert that disconfirming evidence into part of
the conspiracy. So with Barack Obama's birth certificate, for example, the
moment the birth certificate came out from Hawaii, the people who believe that
Barack Obama was not born in the United States would say the Hawaiian hospital
now is in on the conspiracy as well.
GREENE: Conspiracy theories have been around for a while. I
mean, there are questions about whether Pearl Harbor was a way to get the
United States and World War II. I mean, there are questions about JFK's
assassination. You're not saying that 50 percent believe in all these things, but
just 50 percent of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory like
VEDANTAM: Yeah, I think what this research is suggesting is
that the willingness to believe in one of these theories is really widespread
across the spectrum. And different groups of people might believe different
theories, but the propensity to believe seems really widespread.
GREENE: Where does that propensity come from?
VEDANTAM: Well, that's what the research was trying to
address. And you know, the stereotype about people who believe such theories is
that they're poorly educated, or superstitious or that they are political
partisans. It turns out the consistent predictor of such beliefs is something
that you might almost call an All-American attitude - a belief in individualism,
distrust of authority. And together those things translate into a desire to
avoid being controlled by large secret forces.
GREENE: Many things that make us Americans might make us
sort of more likely to at least believe in one of these things.
VEDANTAM: That's exactly what the researchers are trying to
GREENE: Interesting stuff as always. Shankar, thanks for
coming in.
VEDANTAM: Thanks, David.
GREENE: That NPR's Shankar Vedantam. This is NPR News.
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