War on Consciousness - Esoteric Websites to be censored in the UK

The war on consciousness and the agenda against esoteric knowledge is not a side issue. Ultimately we are all consciousness... and so whilst a myriad of issues play back and forth in the world, what affects our ability to recognize who we are and awaken the potential of our consciousness is THE issue that lies at the very core of life. Spiritual knowledge is therefore right up there on the hit list of the dark and hidden powers that be.

The most recent evidence of this: the UK government has proposed a bill to make internet service providers automatically block websites dubbed “esoteric material”. That means people in the UK could be shut off from websites the UK government deems “esoteric” unless they go in and manually un-tick their network filters.

It has been labelled “pornwall” by some because the bill will block pornographic websites in the name of internet safety for children (great), but this “hot topic” has overshadowed media debate, likely very deliberately. A BBC article debated pornography only, despite there being 9 other categories of blocked material discovered by the Open Rights Group, which includes the aforementioned “esoteric material”. A moral issue has clearly become the Trojan horse to unleash a new stage in the game plan long in the making against spiritual knowledge.

- Angela Pritchard

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