Alan Moore, V (for vendetta) & Anarchy in the UK

From comic strip to symbol of world rebellion, the V for Vendetta mask is an iconic images of our times. Channel 4 News takes author Alan Moore to meet some of the protesters he inspired...

- from Jan 11th by Channel4news

Occupy 2012
The May 12, 2012  occupy events marked the first anniversary of the Indignados movement in Spain (the precursor to Occupy) & signify a relaunch for the coalition of campaigners whose protests created huge attention in London, New York and elsewhere in 2011.

"It's time to hit the financial targets," said Ronan McNern from Occupy London. "If we're evicted, fine, but we'll come back. There will be comparison with what happened before, but we're in a different time and a different place."

It seems that those rascally London Occupiers are at it again! 2012 is gearing up to be a busy year. Here's what's next:

On the 22nd of May, 2012 #OccupyOil will be holding a funeral procession for Dutch Shell Oil. In a turnaround they are calling for the end of Shell’s destructive behavior throughout the world, from the west coast of Ireland to the Niger Delta.


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