Tek-Gnostics Year in Review
From Jan 22nd… Supreme Folly
From Jan 24th… Enlightenment
From Feb 2nd… Cultural Competency & Extra-Terrestrial Contact
From Feb 22nd… Beyond Theology - The Science of Godmanship - Pt 1
From April 9th… Rise of the Illuminati - Buckminster Fuller on the "Great Pirates"
From July 29th… Bigfoot & the Klamath Knot
From Nov 26th… Singularity, Synchronicity & Illuminated Manuscripts
From Dec 14th… Shadowboxing the Singularity
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
~ Bill Vaughan
Take my advice. I'm not using it!
~ Mr Natural
No, life has not disappointed me. On the contrary, I find it truer, more desirable and mysterious every year ever since the day when the great liberator came to me: the idea that life could be an experiment of the seeker for knowledge and not a duty, not a calamity, not trickery.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
For last year's words belong to last year's language And next
year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a
~ T.S. Eliot