Tek-Gnostics Web Presence Update
Sensei has been busy over at the Tek-Gnostic Monastery updating multiple locations.
Of particular interest is the expanded intelligence concerning the Bene Gesserit and those rascally conspirators, the Illuminati.
The Pop Future page has been reconceived, updated and the information expanded.
Also of note…
Sci Fi as Sacred Text
The Specter of Jihad
There have been other tweaks here and there. In order to really appreciate the updates, you need to explore the site…
Of particular interest is the expanded intelligence concerning the Bene Gesserit and those rascally conspirators, the Illuminati.
The Pop Future page has been reconceived, updated and the information expanded.
Also of note…
Sci Fi as Sacred Text
The Specter of Jihad
There have been other tweaks here and there. In order to really appreciate the updates, you need to explore the site…
- JH