Re: Space Migration or Human Extinction

Yet another TEK-gnostics news flash…

Paul Hughes, of “Future Hi” fame has posted an interesting perspective on the likelihood of space migration as a strategy to address our current global environmental/economic crisis. Follow the link below for his take in the situation…

Paul Hughes


Anonymous said…
Smile, we must explore the space and time available to us. There is time and brains enough to consider every possibility concerning space migration. I do believe we can re-terraform mars. Start with small colonies and plant some seeds. When the plant grow it will release oxygen. When we smoke it we will fortify our minds for any and all sorts of adventure. Us Hu-man beings have a responsibility to shine forth our beauty to the universe. Dennis
Anonymous said…
Hi All,

I just can't stop laughing at this.
The rich and powerful nations will build ships to take Millions of beings, per one way trip, to some "unknown" place. so we can save human race. Sorry to save the healthiest billion ones.

Why does this sounds like Mass Deportation, nothing less. it has been done and use 500 years ago. And i am sure you already know the ones leaving the Earth are?
So un-Hu-Man, this idea. An idea with no heart

Anonymous said…
Hey Sensei, Greetings from culp creek. What is your take of the left hand path? Also do you think John the Baptist was more important than Jesus H. Christ? Have you read Daniel Pinicheck's book the comming of Quetazalquatal(sp) 2012? So many questions ? Lot's of love from bugtussel, Dennis.
Jack Heart said…

Who were the ones to travel across the Atlantic to invade and populate the new world? Who were the ones to invade and populate Australia? Who is to say that the next round will be any different?


Here is one take on the left-hand path…

“Tantra is a set of esoteric Indian traditions with roots in Hinduism and later Buddhism (which is a separate Dharma formed from Hinduism). Tantra is often divided by its practitioners into two different paths: dakshinachara and vamachara, translated as Right-Hand Path and Left-Hand Path respectively.
Dakshinachara consists of traditional Hindu practices such as asceticism and meditation, while vamachara also includes ritual practices that conflict with mainstream Hinduism, such as sexual rituals, consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants.
The two paths are viewed by Tantrists as equally valid approaches to enlightenment. Vamachara, however, is considered to be the faster and more dangerous of the two paths, and is not suitable for all practitioners. This usage of the terms Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path is still current in modern Tantra.”

…Well sure, if you put it that way!!!

Thanks for the tip on Daniel Pinicheck's book… I’ll check out.
Anonymous said…
The Smile concept does not envision sending millions of unwanted humans to make due in the frozen wastes of space. Using nanotubes of carbon we can make a space elevator. With the moons abundant supply of Helium 3, we can fuel the electrical grid of earth. (one shuttle full of Helium 3 would supply the earth for 1 year.) Only the best and brightest would colonize Mars. No mass exodus of panhandlers and crack addicts. It is a concept not to save our recources on earth for the power elite, but one of exploration and a need to seek the divine throughout space and innerspace. To, if possible to find the interspace founders of this hu-man experinment. To seek our root race. The cost of sending millions to space would truly be out of this world. The unteliported man. This discussion is only at it's infancy. Dennis
Anonymous said…
"Only the best and brightest would colonize Mars"?

Hi all,

And there you go, my friend creating division. The brightest in what form?
In their heart quotient?
Or in their capacity to manipulate matters for the benefice of the few.

The biggest problem now is not global warming, it is pollution.
The trillions of left over from excessive industrialization. All coming from BRIGHT minds that invented and produced them.

All I wish for us Hu-man is begin this massive clean up, before trying yo go imposing our destructive ways upon another planet. And later coming up with fake, insulting solutions like "one hour of darknes" to save the world!
Instead let's flood this Orb with LIGHT.

Some of us are really tired of darkness and separation.

So,let's start cleaning here first. Together.

Anonymous said…
To persue a modicum of space based industries and living environments will require incredible brain and computer and tech expertise. Space exploration is extremely complicated. That is what I mean when I stated the best and bright minds. No elitism just fact. To clean up our air and every environmental problem will take time. I agree with you about the hour thing, what tomfoolery. I think that both endevors (space and environment) can happen at the same time. Indeed it is. How much time do we as a species have before we foul our own nest? Perhaps when Cassinni drifts into Saturn with it's plutonium core you will see more light here on terra, a second sun. Us Hu-man beings, our civilization must focus on our environment. Space exploration is also our destiny. Shine forth JP!
Jack Heart said…

There certainly seems to be a renewed determination to explore space with Hu-man beings, rather than using more practical and economical space probes. Check out the following link form “Daily Galaxy”…


Well said... Acceleration of climate change is directly connected to Hu-man generated pollution. The “safety zone” for green house gases is 350 parts per million. We currently have reached 387 ppm, primarily due to industrial pollution and automobile exhaust.

“For the last 5 million years, the frozen polar ends of the Earth have melted on a regular basis, raising sea levels dramatically to heights that, if achieved today, would inundate most of the world's major cities and coastal areas where billions of people live.

Scientists studying those polar freeze/thaw cycles reported in two papers in Thursday's edition of the research journal Nature that it appears Earth is headed toward another thaw—and this time, it's being hurried along by carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere.”

Check out for more info…

Great perspectives, guys...

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