24th Annual McMenamins UFO Festival

The Tek-Gnostics field research team attended the 24th annual McMenamins UFO festival, held in McMinnville, Oregon. The two day festival includes speakers... this year's key note being former U S Navy pilot Ryan Graves. Those who follow recent disclosures around UAP remember Graves as the former Lt. U.S. Navy and F/A-18F pilot who served for a decade, including two deployments in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve. 

Graves was the first active duty pilot to come forward publicly about regular sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and has been featured in Politico, NBC News, 60 Minutes, The History Channel, and the New York Times. Graves' lecture was very informative, and Graves himself came off as very knowledgeable and believable. Graves is the founder and executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, the first military pilot led nonprofit dedicated to UAP as a matter of national security, aerospace safety, and science.

However... it is the seemingly unrelated, yet significant anomalies... the synchronous instances of high strangeness that attracts team tek-gnostics' collective attention. So i will relate an incident... what we at tek-gnostics have filed as the "Man in Black" incident... that occurred prior to Graves lecture.

The lecture was held at the McMinnville community center. My cohort, Agent 87 and myself had gone early to purchase tickets for the event. As we walked through the front doors of the community center, an enigmatic character was standing just inside the doors... seemingly waiting for something or someone. The man was dressed from head to toe in a crisp, classic 1960's era black suit. He wore a black fedora and mirror sunglasses.

As i walked through the door... the man in black immediately approached me and asked... "have you purchased your ticket for the event?"  I answered in the negative, to which he produced a ticket to the event and handed it to me. Handing me the ticket, he said something to the effect of his having an extra ticket. I thanked him and introduced myself. At this point, agent 87 spoke up, saying... "i see you have more tickets... do you have another extra?" 

But the man in black quickly disappeared into the gathering crowd, leaving us both laughing and scratching our heads. At $35 bucks a ticket, this was a generous gift from a total stranger. And of course you... like us... are probably asking yourself... just how strange was this stranger?

My first thought was how generous this man... seemingly a cosplayer... had been. Over the course of the festival, 87 and myself would return to that moment. The more we thought about it, the more we appreciated the synchronous, synchro-mystic quality of the encounter. Agent 87 has long held that UFO conferences are the perfect venue for honest-to-god extra-terrestrials to infiltrate and observe the quirky behaviors of humans, as they gather to discuss and celebrate extra-terrestrial contact, disclosure, and all things UFO related.

The Man in Black incident occurred on Friday evening, the first day of the festival. So our field trip to the McMenamins UFO festival, got off to highly strange start. There were other highly strange incidents, such as an extended conversation with a mysterious "follower of the Craft" ...yeah that was one weird and wiccan exchange i will tell you! 

The rest of the festival was very enjoyable... what one might expect... a cross between a UFO conference and a county fair. The Saturday parade was hilarious! My favorite entry was a marching band... dressed up as aliens (of course) and playing Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit." Here we are now... entertain us!

All things considered, a very rewarding and entertaining field trip! Everybody was having a good time... I suppose the beer gardens didn't hurt. The overall vibe was very friendly and folksy. There were many curious farmers who came to see the high strangeness of such events. Undoubtedly they were interested in having the crop circles they find in their alfalfa fields explained. Tons of cosplayers... and many who were ready to have serious conversations concerning contact, disclosure, and the state of UAP investigations.

All in all... the folks of McMinnville and the surrounding countryside... want to believe.



Dennis/87 said…
To shine forth is key! Synchro's are golden. The more one sees, the more one sees. Synchronicities are golden me thinks. Awake and aware and willing to share. 87
Lumenar said…
Hello. Been too long since the previous time I left comments here. Feels like an eternity passed since the last time the topic of extraterrestrial spacecraft was covered on this blog with all that has happened over the previous year or two.
Are UFOs or U.A.P. really a hazard to aviation safety? I only know of one story involving a collision of a UFO and an airplane, the 1974 crash in Chihuahua, Mexico, because the incident was covered on the TV shows UFO Files and UFO Hunters. Sure, there are loads of stories of near misses with aircraft and some pictures showing unknown things dangerously close to airplanes. Any new aviation traffic safety laws and regulations should require the UFOs with their superior speed and maneuverability to yield to aircraft. Right? Remember when Ryan Graves appeared at Mexico's Congress in September 2023. Glad to know your experience in Oregon went better than that disappointing disaster held in Mexico City. Honestly, the state of investigations into interstellar travel and life in the universe has become depressingly dismal as of late now that the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis has seemingly been rejected by most popular fringe media. (Popular fringe is such an oxymoron.) Superstitious ideas from the cosmologies of religions and occult cults have replaced rational modern astronomy for suggestions to the origins of UFOs along with the usual paranoid rambling rantings of conspiracy theorists and the skeptics who keep telling us it is all lies, hoaxes, and hallucinations. The folks who want to believe have more options than ever before for whatever they want to believe.
Glad I can keep returning to this blog to find a refreshingly rational contrast to whatever formerly fascinating topics are being twisted by bad bloggers and talk shows. Thanks. The season for festivals is just beginning now. I have a feeling we will be told more of those wild stories from festivals as the season continues. Keep up the good work! Good night.
Glad to see people keeping their eyes on your bookstand at the UFO festival Jack ;-)
Jack Heart said…
Lumenar... great to hear from you... yeah Graves recounted just how much activity has been occurring between military aircraft and these tic-tak orbs... he described then as cubes inside a plasma field. Many pilots have encountered such, they just don't report consistently. Interestingly he said it wasn't until the navy fitted new 3-d imaging radar that the pilots even saw how much anomalous activity there actually is in our airspace.

Darren... Thanks! yeah we sold allot of books there... and had many interesting conversations. People seem to enjoy our booth, as agent 87 and myself are simultaneously irreverent and able to hold a intelligent conversation on all things anomalous...

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